Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills


Physical Education

Curriculum subject: Physical Education

Curriculum Leader: Mark Rampling

Curriculum quote:

There is a sport for all and a place for all pupils to enjoy the freedom and opportunity of sport!
Mr Rampling

Curriculum intent

Curriculum sequence/plan/model:

Core PE Y7,8 & 9 – Learning Journey
Core PE Y10 & 11 – Learning Journey
Exam PE

Curriculum opportunities: Key Stage 3

Curriculum implementation:

As an Academy, we have a range of clear standards and expectations of our pupils however each subject area has its own individual practices and habits that ensure that it can function to its optimum.

Curriculum delivery: 

The department has detailed lesson resources, linked videos which are taught daily and then shared through shadow curriculum or lessons. 

Pupils will have revision ready school books and knowledge organisers to support them during the revision period. Knowledge organisers are used during bell tasks to recall previous topics covered in lessons. 

Programme of study for all years is shared with students from September and displayed in the department for each group on the sports notice board.

Practical Sports are moderated using the OCR GCSE PE matrix allowing accurate judgement to be made. 

In class and at after school clubs we build knowledge of rules and tactics of each sport to deepen pupils’ understanding and performance. 

We incorporate some theory GCSE and C.N PE content throughout our teaching each half term to allow pupils to see the links to the theory in practical. 

Students will be taught each sport at a high level to be able to participate in our after school clubs and/or local clubs as they wish. 

All pupils learning can then be transferred into GCSE PE and core PE as they move into KS4.


The shadow curriculum: 

This is how your child can access the scheduled sequence of learning and associated resources to support their learning.

CORE PE – At the start of the year, a shadow curriculum booklet has been added to each classroom which has multiple pages of tasks for pupils to complete. These are written based and link to learning skills of sports, looking at careers or developing knowledge of sport itself. There are also some practice based activities should they be needed. Pupils can access these tasks, complete and send in to their teacher. 

EXAMINATION PE – Each lesson taught for examination PE is uploaded to google classroom. This will be the powerpoint and tasks so it can be accessed from elsewhere as needed. If a student misses a lesson it is their responsibility to access their google classroom and catch up on the work they have missed.

Supporting your child:

Revision websites: