Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills



Curriculum subject: Technology

Curriculum Leader: M.Zulkarnain

Curriculum quote:

Curriculum intent


Curriculum sequence/plan/model:

Technology – Learning Journey

Curriculum opportunities: Key Stage 3

Curriculum implementation:

As an Academy we have a range of clear standards and expectations of our pupils however each subject area has its own individual practices and habits that ensure that it can function to its optimum.

Curriculum delivery: 

In KS3 students are introduced to Technology through a range of projects using a variety of materials. Lessons are taught in mixed ability classes and will focus on theory of materials and processes, focused practical tasks leading to more open ended design challenges.

KS4 Technology offers a range of subjects for students to choose from. Cambridge National Engineering builds upon learnt knowledge in KS3 and will further deepen their understanding and application of Technology in a wider world context. KS4 Technology (Cambridge National Engineering Design Manufacture) is assessed through portfolio work and exam testing.


The shadow curriculum: 

If your child is absent work is set through google classroom. Due to the practical nature of the subject an alternative theory task is placed on google class.

KS4- Y10
Engineering – lesson outline with resources will be placed on google classroom
Y10/11– only revision work will be placed on google classroom due to students completing NEAs under controlled conditions in school.

Supporting your child:

Business is one of the fastest growing subjects in the country. Our students’ future careers revolve around the word ‘Business’ and they are stakeholders in various different communities around them, therefore keeping up to date with current affairs will help their learning. Watching the news, reading the latest headlines and talking about social media, politics and sport will improve their subject knowledge.

Wider interest: