Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills


Updates from the Principal 2023/24

2023/24 – Updates

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has been wonderful to welcome back all of the students and staff as we start the summer term.

Firstly, I would like to welcome two new staff this week: Miss Harris, Behaviour Intervention Lead, and Mr Brown, Cover Supervisor.

There has been a lot going on in a short week. All students attended standards and expectations assemblies on Tuesday. We have re shared the mobile phone expectations with all students following the release of DfE guidance in February 2024. The students have been informed of the following:

“If a mobile phone is seen or heard in use in a lesson, it would be confiscated. The student would be able to pick it up from Reception at the end of the academy day. If a third incident occurred, the academy would contact a parent/carer to pick up. The students are to turn their phones off and have them in bags before they enter the gates of the academy and to leave them in their bags and switched off until they fully leave the site at the end of the academy day. There are exceptions for phones used for medical requirements.”

If you need to contact your child during the academy day, please contact via Reception and we will relay the message to your child.

Finally, the GCSE exam season formally started with the Year 11 Art and Photography students starting their examinations. We wish all of the students the best of luck.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you are all well. 

We have had another busy week in school. All students have had the opportunity to attend assemblies with Mr Gill on mental health and wellbeing. As a school, we recognise that good mental health and wellbeing helps children and young people to develop, attend school, engage in learning and fulfil their potential. This in turn supports one of our core values of kindness.

We have reminded and re shared the mobile phone expectations with all students during the week, including the expectation that they are to turn their phones off and have them in bags before they enter the gates of the academy and to leave them in their bags and switched off until they fully leave the site at the end of the academy day.

The GCSE exam season has continued this week. We have seen lots of engagement from Year 11 students in their P6 revision lessons. Well done to those students who have completed their 10 hour exams in Art and Photography. We continue to wish all of the students the best of luck.

Upcoming Event: 

Tuesday 23rd April 2024 Year 8 Parents’ Evening

Thank you for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that this message finds you well.

This week has been packed full of activities. Year 11 students have received their leavers hoodies as part of their end of school celebrations. They continue to engage with the walking talking mocks and the P6 lessons. Some of the students have also started their speaking languages exams.

We have had a big push on planners in lessons to give students as many opportunities for rewards as possible. 

It was wonderful to see some of our student ambassadors and student council members supporting the Year 8 parents’ consultation evening. They represented the academy values of kindness, respect and teamwork.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ms Mills



Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope this update finds you well as we enter the May Day weekend.

This week, we wish the Year 11 students the best of luck in their examinations. They have had their exam reminder assembly with Mrs Hardy to remind them about the rules and regulations of exams but also the importance of being kind to themselves and to others during this time. The students have been really focused in their lessons and are working hard to gain the best possible outcomes for their futures. Good luck, Year 11!

Students from different year groups participated in the Shakespeare School Festival 2024. The students performed Romeo and Juliet alongside other students from across the city. Congratulations to everyone who took part. A great example of teamwork.

We have also hosted assemblies for Years 7-10 on County Lines this week, as part of our wider curriculum. This was featured in The York Press too as part of the Connecting Clifton project. 

In lessons, we are continuing with a big push on planners to give students as many opportunities for rewards as possible.

Students also have the opportunity to be in the end of term raffle for attending enrichment activities when they participate in extracurricular activities.

As part of our Health & Safety procedures we have this term had a practice fire drill and practice lockdown, both of which went smoothly.

The students will return to school on Tuesday 7th May 2024, after the long weekend.

Current Vacancies at Vale of York Academy: 

Thank you for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

This week, it feels like the summer term has finally arrived.

The Year 11s have finally started their formal written examinations. It has been fantastic to see so many students attending revision sessions before the exams in the morning and attending their P6 sessions. The students have conducted themselves really well. Well done, Year 11. Keep up the hard work!

With the better weather this week, we have been able to have athletics taking place in PE lessons and the scientists have been out looking at plant biology. Please don’t forget to ensure that students are wearing sunscreen prior to the start of the school day in the warmer months.

In lessons, we are continuing with a big push on planners being placed on desks in lessons to give students as many opportunities for rewards as possible. Don’t forget that we have the end of term raffle for students who have been attending enrichment and extracurricular activities.

Over the next two weeks,we are having a big focus on uniform expectations. Maintaining high expectations of the students is important to us in ensuring all students are ready to learn. Please check the website if you have any uniform queries.

Current Vacancies at Vale of York Academy: 

Thank you for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for your support regarding the uniform expectations over this half term. We have had a number of visitors to the academy this week who have commented on the high standards of uniform. As always, if there are any queries regarding uniform, please check the website or contact the school.

Again, I must congratulate the Year 11’s with their approach to their revision, interventions and formal GCSEs. Thank you to all of the other students who have respected the quiet exam zones for the Year 11 students, embodying the academy values of kindness and respect.

There have been a lot of students who have been participating in DofE expeditions over the past few weekends as part of the enrichment experience. These continue into the half term too. Last weekend, 39 Year 9 pupils completed their expeditions in 22 degree heat! We are proud of their effort and behaviour. Thank you to the teaching team who made this valuable enrichment possible.

Next week, we are relaunching the attendance whole school prize for Years 7-10. Students will receive a credit for every unbroken attendance week and the draw will take place in the final week of the summer term. There are 3 prizes (worth £250 each):

  • Prize 1  £250 Love to Shop Vouchers

  • Prize 2  £250 bike vouchers   

  • Prize 3  £250 Gaming vouchers

In lessons, we are continuing with a big push on planners being placed on desks in lessons to give students as many opportunities for rewards as possible. Don’t forget that we have the end of term raffle for students who have been attending enrichment and extracurricular activities.

Finally, we would like to wish the Y9 football team the best of luck for their North Yorkshire County Cup Final v. Fulford on Monday 20 May. Good luck!

Current Vacancies at Vale of York Academy: 

ATA Maternity Cover

ATA Permanent

Thank you for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

Many thanks for your support over this half term.

Firstly, we would like to congratulate the Year 9 football team who won the North Yorkshire County Cup Final 2-0 on Monday 20th May. The students have embodied the core value of teamwork in their success this season. We are very proud of their achievements.

After half term, Year 10 students will be starting their work experience placements. Students who have not found placements will still be expected to attend school during this time. In school, there will be a bespoke virtual work experience style package arranged for them. All of Year 10 will return to the academy on Monday 10th June, when they will have an induction into Year 11 prior to their examinations.

During the half term holidays, there are some additional revision and intervention sessions for the remaining GCSE examinations. The Year 11 students have been exemplary in their attitude to the examinations and are excellent role models for the rest of the school. It has been fantastic to see the core value of respect from the other students to the Year 11s during this stressful time.

The return to school arrangements after May half term are as follows: Vale of York Academy will open to students from Monday 3 June 2024. The gates from Water Lane and Fairway will be open from 8.15am for any student wishing to access Breakfast Club or the Library. This is a gentle reminder that students are expected to be on site by 8.40am and in class for tutor time at 8.45am. Students arriving after 8.40am will be considered late and could receive an appropriate sanction in line with academy policy.

Current Vacancies at Vale of York Academy: 

Teacher of Computer Science

Cover Supervisor

ATA Maternity Cover

ATA Permanent

I hope that you and your family enjoy a peaceful and restful May half term holiday. We look forward to welcoming your children back to the academy on Monday 3rd June 2024.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

We are happy to welcome the students back to the academy at the start of summer term 2.

As we are now entering the warmer months, we are moving to the summer uniform for the remainder of the term. Students will not be required to wear slipovers until after the summer holidays. All other aspects of the uniform policy, including blazers, are still expected.

We would like to congratulate the Year 10 students for how they conducted themselves during their work experience. We have had the great pleasure of hosting a number of students in school who have visited local businesses and had external speakers working with them too. On Monday morning, we will be welcoming them back to the academy and they will have their first assembly during P1 as the incoming Year 11 students.

We have sent out the parent/carer RSE consultation today. There are online and face-to-face meeting times available for this, alongside an online consultation form. Please see the letter for further details.

Some Year 8 students have been helping to support the Dining Staff by taste testing some of the new recipes for September onwards. We are hoping to host a pop up taste testing for all students, including a drinks system in the coming weeks too. We would like to thank those students for their feedback on the food and exemplifying kindness and teamwork.

Following the football success from last term, the athletics team have had very strong performances in Round 1 of the York and District Athletics competition. Students who placed first and second will compete in the semi final on Thursday 13th June. We wish them the best of luck.

As a reminder, the gates from Water Lane and Fairway will be open from 8.15am for any student wishing to access Breakfast Club or the Library. Students are expected to be on site by 8.40am and in class for tutor time at 8.45am. Students arriving after 8.40am will be considered late and could receive an appropriate sanction in line with academy policy.

Current Vacancies at Vale of York Academy:

Teacher of Computer Science

Cover Supervisor

ATA Maternity Cover

ATA Permanent

Many thanks for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

Congratulations to the Year 11s who have completed their final whole year group external examination this week. Next week, there are a number of smaller examinations taking place and the final leavers’ assembly too. Well done to all of the students and we look forward to sharing more celebrations with them at the prom and on results’ day in August.

The Year 10s returned from Work Experience this week and we welcomed them back with an introduction to Year 11 assembly. The students will have the opportunity to apply for the prefect positions during the remainder of the summer term to step up into senior positions.

Thank you to those of you who have completed the Edurio and the RSE consultation survey. The Edurio survey is still open for Parent/Carer responses.

As a reminder, we are moving to the summer uniform for the remainder of the term. Students will not be required to wear slipovers until after the summer holidays. All other aspects of the uniform policy, including blazers, are still expected.

Current Vacancies at Vale of York Academy: 

ATA Maternity Cover

ATA Permanent

Many thanks for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

This week, we said goodbye to our Year 11 students at their leavers’ assembly. Mr Foster presented a poignant, moving and funny assembly to the students as we said goodbye on behalf of the staff and school. We are immensely proud of what they have achieved and we look forward to celebrating their results with them in August.

The Year 10 cohort have continued to step up on their transition to Year 11 this week with the start of their trial examination period. Many of the Year 10 students have shown an interest in taking on the prefect roles in the academy. The Senior Leadership Team are looking forward to reading their applications.

Students have had their assembly with Mrs Hirst to look at the updated behaviour systems that we are having a soft launch with from next week. As per Mrs Hirst’s contact with parents/carers, if you or your child have any questions, please contact the academy via 

Well done to the Year 9 students who supported the first Year 6 transition visit this week. The day was really positive for the visiting students and the Year 9s were excellent ambassadors for the school.

On Thursday, the academy was visited by the Trustees from Hope Sentamu Academy Trust. Lots of students represented the academy, talking to the Trustees about their time in school. The students were open and honest about their experiences. They were described as very welcoming by the visitors. Well done to all students who have participated.

With summer weather finally upon us, we are moving to the summer uniform for the remainder of the term. Students will not be required to wear slipovers until after the summer holidays. All other aspects of the uniform policy, including blazers, are still expected.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Ms Mills




Dear Parent/Carer,

This week, we hosted our annual Careers Fair in the Main Hall. Students from all year groups were invited to attend and complete a Careers Fair bingo. They engaged with local and national employers to look at a variety of different opportunities for their future careers. Students conducted themselves really well, asking respectful and insightful questions to the different stands. The students have represented the academy and local community well and it is a pleasure to see the core value of respect shown by our students to the visitors to the school.

Also this week, 15 Year 7-10 pupils represented the academy in the York and District Athletics final.  Our students all worked valiantly against some tough competitors! Ultimately this is the best of the city and surrounding areas and our students were very successful, including 4 bronze medals and 3 gold medals. Please join us in congratulating all of the students who took part in the event.

With the continued warm weather, we are following summer uniform for the remainder of the term and students will not be required to wear slipovers until after the summer holidays. All other aspects of the uniform policy, including blazers, are still expected. Please ensure that students have applied sun cream before attending school and that they have a water bottle.

We look forward to welcoming students back to the academy on Monday 1st July 2024.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Ms Mills
