Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It was not technically ‘new money’ but replaced other funding streams to support disadvantaged pupils and inequalities between children who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), Looked After Children (LAC), and members of Service families.
At the time of introduction only 27% of secondary school pupils eligible for FSM achieved five A*‐C GCSEs or equivalent, including English and Maths, compared with 54% for non FSM students.
Vale of York Academy is a true comprehensive school, serving pupils of all abilities and economic backgrounds, and we pride ourselves on ensuring that ‘every child really matters’ and work hard to meet the needs of all our pupils regardless of ability, disability, gender, ethnicity or religious affiliation. Vale of York is a caring school, and we want to use the pupil premium funding to improve both results and in turn the life chances of the young people we serve.
Reporting expenditure as a school
From September 2012 Schools have had to publish key information about pupil premium online. The regulations require the online statement to include:
School leaders also report regularly to school governors on resource allocation and the impact of pupil premium funding via the raising achievement committee.
Free School Meals – Are you entitled?
Make sure your family are getting the entitlements they deserve. If you think you are entitled to Free School Meals please click here for further information.
Click here: 2024/25 Pupil Premium Statement