Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills


January Bringing the community together

Great result for our team

We were delighted to welcome Jody Ivel (North Yorkshire Netball) and Tim Gosden (York Volleyball Club) to come and run our second Leadership and Coaching day with our Year 10 GCSE PE students. Another great day that build on the qualifications and skills these students gained in the summer.

On the same day, Paula Clark (York Theatre Royal) came in to run a drama taster session without KS3 students – another positive experience for our young people.

The year 10 perfect applications and interviews have taken place since Christmas. A brilliant set of letters were backed up by some very strong interviews by a panel that included current head boy and girl, Adam and Emilia. The successful candidates have been announced and they are eager to get trained up, ready to continue the great work started on by our year 11.

Finally, we have had three excellent Student Council meetings with Year 7, 8 and 9. Some valuable points were raised, resulting in workable and well thought out solutions by our young people. They are clearly going to be an asset as the school continues to move forwards.

In the previous newsletter we wrote about Brad and Mohammed both being selected on the AQA unlocking potential programme with the Kelly Holmes Trust. Brad and Mohammed’s athlete mentor is Ben Pipes who is a Great Britain volleyball player and whoe has won a number of medals across Europe. He even captained the only ever mens 2012 Olympic volleyball team.

Both lads have been working with Ben, raising their aspirations and improving their confidence, passion and drive within sport.
