Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills



Parents - Careers

The Vale of York Academy is committed to developing the life chances of all students, and aims to encourage and inspire them through a comprehensive programme of CEIAG. 

Students take part in a wide ranging Careers Education package which includes looking at different options and taking part in activities which helps them to understand their own strengths and qualities.

In year 10 there is an opportunity for students to take part in work experience which will provide a chance to get to know an employer and the work place.

The Vale of York Academy have close ties with local employers and other outside agencies who are invited into school to discuss different career paths and enable students to gain independent and impartial advice about the options which are best suited to them as individuals.

The careers curriculum is enriched through external support with employability embedded into the curriculum across all key stages.

We measure the impact of our careers programme termly through the use of the Compass Careers benchmarking tool. This evaluates our programme against national benchmarks and helps us to identify areas for further development.

For useful pages on careers for young people –

Our local careers advice provider – e.g

A directory of 14-19 courses –

The National Apprenticeship Service –

National Careers Service for information, advice and guidance on different career areas:

York College website, information on courses, open and taster days:

Askham Bryan College:

Careers Pilot Parent zone:

Apprenticeships guide and information:

To look and apply for current apprenticeship vacancies:

Labour Market Information 

Labour Market Information (LMI), describes statistical data regarding jobs, salaries, employers and employees, sectors, current employment conditions and future trends. The following LMI guide has a wealth of information available to you.  

The attached Post 16 guide is a great resource to help you support your child in planning their future. The attached parents and carers apprenticeship guide may also be helpful.  

If you would like any advice or support surrounding supporting your child in their careers education, or have any feedback, please contact Mr J Martin –

Careers Guide for Parents / Carers

Get a free careers guides for parents and carers: Careers Guide

 Careermag For Parents / Carers

Career Map –