Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a hugely important consideration for young adults in today’s society.

We want to provide students and parents/carers with as much information as possible, practical strategies and knowledge of where to go for additional support.

This downloadable pdf document looks at how to deal with stress and how to manage positive mental health. The tips on this page are of particular help when facing examinations but are equally applicable to daily life.

It covers:

  • What is stress?
  • What are the physical and emotional signs of stress?
  • How to reduce stress
  • Positive self-talk
  • Stress indicators
  • Practical tips to reduce stress
  • Coping strategies
  • Social media
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO)
  • Face-to-face interaction
  • Bullying
  • Personal strategies for success
  • Where to get support and help

If you need any help or support, please talk to a member of staff.

Useful resources for families to use during the period of closure

Wellbeing Journal

Wellbeing Pack

Information from the NSPCC

Positive Thinking

Social Interaction

Weekly Wellbeing Challenge – Self Care Plan

Weekly Wellbeing Challenge – Celebrating a Win

Mind Young Peoples Service – Any young person in the York area aged between 11-21 who is struggling with their mental health can text 07483167931 to arrange to speak to Mind around their mental health. They will get a text back within 48 hours to either arrange a phone call or a text conversation with Mind depending on their preference. 

There are also Creative Writing, Wellbeing Toolkit, and Mindfulness groups available on Zoom for 11-15 year olds and 16-21 year olds. These groups will start from mid June and referrals are now open. 

Spaces are also available for one-to-one mentoring for young people aged 11-18.

Referrals can be made here or via the phone number above. More information about all of the above is available by clicking the Mind Website link below.

MIND Website

CAMHS Resources – created for young people, carers and professionals

Information from the Government

Information from KOOTH – Online support for young people

Managing Uncertainty – Information from the School Wellbeing Service

The benefits of kindness on our mental health


Mental Wellbeing Links

BlueIce is a prescribed evidence-based app to help young people manage their emotions and reduce urges to self-harm. It includes a mood diary, a toolbox of evidence-based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue.  



Calm Harm is an award-winning app designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you wish. Progress can be tracked. 



distrACT app gives you easy, quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Led by experienced practising GP and other leading experts. The content has been created by doctors and experts in self-harming and suicide prevention.  



SilverCloud is an online course to help you manage stress, anxiety and depression. You work through a series of topics selected by a therapist to address specific needs. The eight-week course is designed be completed in your own time and at your own pace. 


Sleepstation is free with a GP referral. It consists of a 6-week online course for people who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night. The course is tailored to your needs, using the information you provide, and gives you access to a team of sleep experts who will offer helpful advice and support throughout. 


ThinkNinja is a mental health app designed for 10 to 18 year olds. Using a variety of content and tools, it allows young people to learn about mental health and emotional wellbeing. and develop skills they use to build resilience and stay well.  



WorryTree app aims to help you take control of worry wherever you are. You cause the app to record whatever you feel worried about. It uses cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to help you notice and challenge your worries. It can also help you create an action plan for managing worry. 

If you’d like to report a safeguarding issue or have concerns related to mental health, you can do so by clicking this link. Anything you write will be sent anonymously.