Project Dare
18th and 25th – 15 students from year 10 are going to take part in project dare which is being run by Aviva, giving the pupils the opportunity to learn more about the insurance and finance sector whilst developing their skills.
Work Experience
Our year 10 students will undertake their work experience from 12th-16th. If you are unable to find a suitable placement we have organised an alternative working with YSJ to offer an excellent bespoke opportunity for our pupils.
Link: Work Experience Agreement – Consent Form
Careers Fair
On the 10th of July, Vale of York will be hosting its annual careers fair. There will be a range of employers and post 16 and 18 providers. All pupils in years 7-10 will get the opportunity to attend and interact with the stall holders learning about their different careers and courses.
We are dedicated to supporting our students during their time at Vale of York Academy and after they leave us.
To ensure the careers provision is the best it can be and to best support our students we need you. Your feedback on the provision and any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated. Please complete the google form if you are able to provide any feedback. The form will be monitored at least half termly.
Students will be asked for feedback on the careers provision through the school council, PSHE lessons, form time activities and after careers specific events, however, they are more than welcome to complete the above form.