Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills


Careers and Aspirations

We encourage our students to live by the Vale of York Academy motto of ‘Always giving the best.’

As a school, we are committed to enabling our students to do this by providing them with the very best opportunities during their time with us, but also by equipping them with as much information, advice and guidance about their future choices and progression routes as possible.

Careers Intent
Careers intends to prepare our students for their next steps, ensuring that they are confident and comfortable in their decisions. The ambition is that the students will flourish and be respectful, considerate, and responsible global citizens. The programme centres around individuality, by providing the resources and guidance to allow the students to make their own way in life. Raising aspirations is a fundamental part of their education as well as challenging gender stereotypes. In KS3 the intent is to expose students to as much relevant and up-to-date information as possible as this will build the foundations upon which they will make their future choices. In KS4 the intent is to mould their passions and interests by providing specific opportunities to think about their futures such as providing guidance, work experience, mock interviews, CV masterclasses, assessment centres, apprenticeship meet and greet, further educational support and preparation, and much more.

Careers Implementation
Careers is implemented in a multi strategy approach, there is clear leadership responsible for the strategic oversight with the appointment of a careers coordinator (JM) with a careers focused SLT line manager (RO). The careers programme at the Vale of York Academy adheres to both the Baker Clause and the Gatsby Benchmarks2. Careers is planned into the school curriculum spanning across subjects, tutor time, assemblies, and extracurricular activities3. The Vale of York Academy works with a range of partners to support our pupils including NYBEP, City of York Council, York St John University, York Cares, the NHS, The University of York, Wildhearts group, and others. The focus of the programme is not only on our pupils, but on their parents, the school staff and employers; further information can be found on their dedicated careers website page.

Careers Impact
The impact of careers is notoriously hard to measure, as the impact may not come to fruition until many years after our students have left. However, there is clear evidence that a strong careers programme does have a positive impact on the majority of students. With that in mind we are constantly looking for ways to improve our offering and best support our pupils. This is done in a number of ways including, but not limited to:

-Conducting surveys of students, parents, staff, and employers to learn from their insights. 

-Learning reviews to ensure careers in the curriculum is relevant.

-FSQ survey for years 7/9/11 – to gain an insight into their careers journey with us.

-Compass + evaluations measuring our effectiveness against the Gatsby Benchmarks.

-Internal careers meetings.

-Annual reviews of the careers provision and website

Who to contact

If you have any questions about our Careers programme please contact the careers lead Mr J Martin by telephone 01904 560000 or email

Further information and support:

Applying for Apprenticeships 

Careers and Enterprise Company 

Careers Pilot

Labour Market Information


Post-16 qualification types


SEND Careers 

Skills Builder

York City Council Careers