Principal - Gill Mills
Principal - Gill Mills


Yorkshire ‘Rows’ is guest speaker at Awards Evening

Award winners at Vale of York Academy welcomed inspirational Yorkshire Rows crew member, Niki Doeg, as guest speaker at their awards evening this week.

Niki spoke to students, parents, staff and invited VIPs at this celebratory event about the challenges she faced when she rowed across the Atlantic Ocean with three other Yorkshire mums and how the challenge has shaped her attitude towards the opportunities life brings.

This is the first time staff, students and the school community have come together as Vale of York Academy, to celebrate the achievements of its young people.

Principal of Vale of York Academy, Helen Dowds, says “This last year has been quite a journey for us all. The students who received awards have been instrumental in leading and shaping the changes that were required to bring this school into a new era as an academy of which we can all be proud. The journey we are on is epitomised by the spirit and dedication of the award winners and their drive to be the best they can. Having Niki here tonight has reinforced the fact that you can do and be anything you want, if you put your mind to it.”

Head Boy and Girl of the Academy, Joseph Stancliffe and Holly Cairns, welcomed students to the stage to receive their awards and guests enjoyed music from Vale of York musicians Mina Rodgers, John Tuffen and Eve Clark.

8 February 2018